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A Message From the Principal

Greetings Hoke County Students, Parents, and Guardians,

As we begin SY 2024-25 with me as your new principal, together we can forge forward with a growth mindset. Our mission is to be a school of excellence. Our theme this year is “Unlocking our full potential for success.” That is why it is imperative we all work together to provide the support students require to overcome unpredictable challenges influenced by unpredictable life situations that can alter students’ focus in life and impact their high school success. We want all of our students’ dreams to become their reality by providing equal and equitable access to an excellent education that includes rigorous course work in all classes and  access to dual college enrollment to earn an associate degree and career pathways that render certifications. In other words, our vision is every student graduates college, career, and life ready. The most important thought for all of our students is this: We are not educators for the income; we are all here for the outcome...student success is the greatest reward to all of the staff at Hoke High School!

We welcome our freshman class and know that you will believe  you made a good choice to attend Hoke High for your high school journey. As always, we encourage parents to stay abreast of students’ academics by checking power school, being connected to Canvas, and contacting instructors or academic advisors via email any time you need to gain insight in your students’ progress. We also encourage students to authentically participate in their learning as well as the various activities Hoke High hosts for the benefit of sustaining a positive and productive school culture. Parents, please support your student by ensuring they are in attendance as often as possible. We understand flu and cold season; we understand doctor’s/dental appointments; we understand life, but attendance is paramount to being successful, and we coordinate all activities with the purpose of helping to support the whole student and to make the high school journey a wonderful experience. Students, no matter what your school year was like last year, this year is a new beginning. Your destiny is navigated by you. Transition beyond yesterday and enter into each new day with optimism and determination.  To all of our students and staff,  we are praying for a great productive year. Let’s do this 2024-25 SY together!



Colleen Pegram-Wike, Principal